About Us
Whole Brain Teachers of America is a grass roots, education reform movement begun in 1999 by three Southern California teachers: Chris Biffle, Jay Vanderfin, and Chris Rekstad. Since then we have been joined by a dedicated group of K-12 educators who form our Executive Board.
In the last 15 years, we have given free seminars to 50,000 educators representing 1,500,000 students. Our Amazon.com best sellers, Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids and Whole Brain Teaching: 122 Amazing Games! have been translated into Chinese and Korean. WBT's YouTube videos, broadcast to 200 countries, have received over 7,000,000 views. WholeBrainTeaching.com is one of the world’s largest, free, education websites.
WBT rests upon the principle that teachers at every level share the same difficulties: students lack discipline, background knowledge and problem solving skills. From kindergarten to college, instructors face pupils who have difficulty with reading and writing. Nonetheless, our students respond to challenges, enjoy well-designed learning games, and can make, in the proper setting, astonishing educational progress.
Our goal is to create peaceful classrooms full of orderly fun. Tens of thousands of educators around the world believe we're on the right track.
Executive Board

Director of Certification and International Relations
Retired 2nd grade Teacher

Stephanie Meder
Central Region Director
2nd Grade

Julie Neff
Glorious Kindness Academy
2nd Grade

Crystal Caballero
TpT Coordinator
1st Grade

Krystal Long
AlphaHawk Virtual Academy
4th Grade

Laura Forehand
WBT The Podcast
2nd Grade

Rhonda Arlt
WBT The Podcast
Retired 2nd Grade

Shila Heeter
4th Grade