It’s a long year. AlphaHawk Island: Wolf Racers, keyed to Super Improver®, provides months of irresistible engagement.
After you have Starries or Super Improver® energetically rolling, start unlocking the digital AlphaHawk Island. Whenever you see Wondrous Improvement, especially from Beloved Rascals, thrill the class by unlocking Green locks (Wonder Words), Blue locks (Portal and Scorecard), and then, most thrillingly, Red locks … revealing the map itself.
Simply removing locks is exciting … and the game hasn’t even started.
Divide your class into Blue Wolves and Green Wolves (red arrow). Make sure you have an equal number of Beloved Rascals on each team. When you note improvement in any WBT skill as you teach, edge one Wolf ahead … then the other side improves and catches up. Oh, golly, who’s going to win??? Kids love a race!
The first team to the Locked Treasure (purple arrow) wins a Jewel that is cashed in for a Starry or a Super Improver® point.
Marvel at the core skills the Wolf teams master.

If your kids love races, unlocking Treasures, adventuring across a mysterious isle, they won’t be able to resist AlphaHawk Island: Wolf Racers.
Complete details, even a link to a vinyl 4’x4’ AlphaHawk map at [insert link].
Obvious question: how do you juggle playing multiple WBT games each day?
Answer: Create a daily agenda on the board. List the times when you’ll play which games. Some days, there’s only one entertainment … other days, so exciting, a shift from one to another … sometimes even two in a row. Golly!