Brainy Talk

After decades of classroom research, Whole Brain teachers have developed a sign language, a collection of gestures that simplify the practice of critical thinking and grammatically correct writing.
Whenever the teacher wishes, students use one more of the Brainies gestures as they teach their neighbor, answer the instructor’s questions, or address the class.
Here’s a sample lesson showing how Ms. Maestra, our model WBT educator, introduces the Capital Letter Brainy using the Magic Circle.
Ms. Maestra: Oh, my darling, wonderful class! (showing folded hands)
Students: Oh, my darling, wonderful yes! (showing folded hands)
Ms. Maestra: Thank you, dear class! (hands on heart)
Students: You’re welcome, dear Ms. Maestra! (hands on heart)
Ms. Maestra: Mirror Words! (palms up)
Students: Mirror Words! (palms up)
Ms. Maestra: A capital letter is a big letter (making the capital letter gesture.)
Students: A capital letter is a big letter (making the capital letter gesture.)
Ms. Maestra: (with engaging emphasis) Remember a capital letter is a big letter (making the capital letter gesture)
Students: (with engaging emphasis) Remember a capital letter is a big letter (making the capital letter gesture)
Ms. Maestra: Mirrors off (bringing palms down)
Students: Mirrors off (bringing palms down)
Ms. Maestra: Please turn to your neighbor and, over and over, explain a capital letter, and use the capital letter gesture. (clap clap) Teach!
Students: (clap, clap) Okay!
(Ms. Maestra circles the room praising energetic students and prompting others for increased effort.
She then asks individual kids questions and shows them how to reply with one sentence answers beginning with the capital letter gesture.)
Ms. Maestra: Harry (capital letter gesture), what is your favorite food?
Harry: (After some coaching) Pizza (capital letter gesture) is my favorite food.
As a next step, students use the capital letter gesture when reading a story or passage projected on the white board.
Finally, Ms. Maestra inserts Capital Letters+ as a target behavior during Super Improver® [insert website link] . Whenever kids speak, they have an opportunity to earn a star for improvement in beginning spoken sentences with capitals.
Join our Super Improver Facebook Group to watch this outstanding tutorial, Punctuation Brainies with Platinum Trainer Joanna Willis
See chapter 21 in Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids: 2nd Edition for a description of the other 12 Brainies.